The night before we purchased some of the basics – litter box, litter, food, scraching post et al. and waited until the next day to make our decision.
Well, sure enough, we looked at a few of the kittens and cats that CAWS had available and finally decided on a beautiful 4 year old Russian Blue. He has quite the personality and is a talker, but we are very happy with our decision.

Being a Russian Blue, we naturally racked our brains to come up with an appropriate name. Sure enough, MRW stumbled upon the name “Ruski” after much soul searching between the both of us. In short, it appears that our bipartisan marriage has produced an evil commie-pinko cat with socialist sympathies, and (I am sure) breaks the political power stalemate that has existed for the past year.
In all seriousness, though, please consider adopting from CAWS – they are a no-kill group that fosters animals until they can find a permanent home. Ruski was a great find and our decision was not an easy one thanks to so many well adjusted animals. to learn more about CAWS, visit www.caws.org and learn how to make a donation.