Sunday, February 27, 2011

Optical Transceiver Modules Can Meet Business Network Designer Specifications

In order to create a fluid network that will allow transfer of data from a source to an end receiver via a wireless network, particular optical transceiver modules with varying bandwidth capacities and transfer speeds were made attainable for the market to utilize. Supplying speedy transmission with minimal amount of interference and increased signal security, MSA specified innovative solutions are unlike the average use of RF integrated circuits. Among the optical transceivers commonly used today are XENPAK modules, built in a variety of physical layer interfaces upholding fiber optic modules that are of multiple or single modes.
Built in accordance to IEEE's 10 Gigabit Ethernet standards, XENPAK modules are made in line with leading transceiver and equipment producers' specifications. They make integration tasks much simpler because these devices are hot-removable and hot-insertable. It can convey information transfers in bulk within a transmission distance of 100 meters to 80 kilometers on standard CX4 cables. They are able to upgrade circuit capacity without the need for cable reinstallation and are likewise very efficient to operate on various wavelengths. To the contrary, compact form factors like SFP modules are currently trending more, even though these modules are guaranteed to deliver better system performance.
Traditional soldered-in modules of the past are now inferior when compared to these convenient, small, modular optical interface transceivers. The SFP modules, or small form factor pluggable transceivers, are not only applauded for their compact size, but also their sturdiness when it comes to their industrial performance. These hot-swappable devices are also very useful in implementing Gigabit Ethernet and Fiber channels in storage area networks and data centers.
Models made by Cisco are widely used and have become the industry's standard even though Huawei and Hewlett Packard are amongst the leading brands for SFP modules. This is probably because Cisco SFPs are backed by a multitude of switches, routers, and optical transport devices. Containing an assigned serial number, as well as the vendor name and ID, and a unique security code, Cisco SFP modules are safeguarded with a serial EEPROM.
Most of their choices in the use of modules are based on price, reach, type of supported media, device size and power consumption as software designers are searching for quicker time-to-market options to aid multiple capabilities. They can be encouraged that they can have the right distinctions to address their needs, regardless of whichever optical transceiver they implement into their systems. Businesses and industries' fervent demand for better performance will definitely be achieved as this phase of innovation moves ahead.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Benefits Of Business Networking

Are you starting a new business? Or maybe you already have a small business? Whichever is the case you will no doubt have made business plan, forecast your cash flow and probably frightened yourself as to where all your money has gone.
In order to generate new business it's essential to market your business and certainly this can be a very costly business. Advertising is seriously expensive and in my mind it works best for those already with an established brand because it's about recognition and repetition, so unless you're already in the league of Coca Cola it's probably not a good solution.
Business networking is not about a closed shop where everyone gives each other work, it's much more powerful than that. It's fundamentally about the act referring business to people that you have grown to know, like and trust, and for them to do the same for you. Understanding how to give a quality referral is an art itself and something that I cannot cover today so for the time being let's just consider the benefits of business networking.
It is not a well known fact but 70% of new business that your company gets is through word of mouth. Networking allows you to formally explain what your business is about and as fellow networking business people get to know you so you will naturally start to win new sales leads because people like to pass business to people that they know.
Simply attending a networking event will raise your profile especially if you network on a regular basis. Remember my earlier point about advertising; recognition and repetition, attending a regular networking event achieves this.
Not only do you have the opportunity to present your business, you also get to meet with a lot of business people from other walks of life that will inevitably be able to help solve some of your problems. And you will be able to do the same, it's all part of the relationship building process and at the end of the day it's this relationship that counts when recommending someone's services.
You'll also get to know an awful lot of people that will be able to help you when you have a problem. Have you ever picked up the yellow pages and looked for a particular service? How do you choose? It really is hit and miss. By getting to know reliable contacts who can provide you with what you want and who can be trusted is worth so much in terms of your time and money.
Likewise, if there's no one in your network who can help, the chances are that someone knows someone who can and will recommend them. Suddenly you find that your business is moving forward at a much more rapid pace. Your confidence will soar!
Sharing experiences is also part of the game. Just talking to people about their experiences, their goals and their problems will stimulate lots of new ideas and open your mind to new opportunities. All of a sudden you have a completely new approach to doing something or even a new business venture that you may never have otherwise thought of.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Small Business Network Security

We have all heard the story of the hacker "taking down" a corporate network, maybe stealing corporate data or even someone's personal information. The millions of dollars lost, the credit card numbers now publicly available, or even private photos stolen and now not so private.
What we don't often hear is of hackers targeting small to medium-sized businesses. The sector, in fact, is under serious threat. Verizon's 2011 Data Breach Investigations Report indicates that the small to medium businesses have become the main target for hackers. This is clearly linked to the lack of security investment made by smaller companies that has created an environment where there is relatively low risk for hackers compared to targeting major corporations.
What does it cost?
According to Symantec's SMB Information Protection Survey, the average cost of cyber attacks for a small to medium business is $188,242. This number is especially daunting since smaller companies are typically not insured against cyber theft or hacking (usually covered by a cyber insurance endorsement). Clearly, most small businesses simply cannot afford to take the risk of a hacking incident.
Why does this happen?
Small businesses maintain valuable employee, customer, and industry data just like large businesses. Because small businesses often fail to adequately protect their networks, hackers can automate the hacking process and steal valuable data easily. Additionally, small businesses often don't notice hacking activity until it is too late - which allows for hackers to breach networks and steal data without detection.
1. Implement a firewall appliance in business office and home offices. Also, install a software firewall on all machines used on public networks (coffee shops for example). Simply put, a good firewall is a barrier that keeps hackers out.
2. Develop a corporate security policy. This policy should include password protections including creating complex passwords and changing passwords at least every 90 days. Additionally, the policy should direct employees to safely use the internet and network resources provided them by the company. Consequences for violating this policy should be also included.
3. Install and maintain anti-virus software that automatically updates, scans and protects all computers. Employees should be educated about viruses and discouraged from opening emails with suspicious attachments or from unknown senders.
4. Keep operating systems up to date each month. Microsoft releases patches and updates on the second Tuesday of each month and updates should be installed shortly after on each computer. Additionally, ask your IT Service Provider to check updates on your server(s), network equipment and PCs regularly.
5. Implement email security. Outsourcing email security to a known email security provider will allow emails to be cleaned prior to ever reaching business networks. This will cut down on maintenance costs and threats. Additionally, ensure that the company antivirus product chosen integrates with your email application.
6. Update your insurance policy. Small businesses should ask their insurance agent to add a cyber insurance endorsement to their business insurance policy. This will alleviate the cost of breach notices, damages and possible litigation.